Tuesday 6 August 2013


Made of bronze round. Thick walls, berbusut the middle of the surface. It also pairs (mother and child). For tetawak low and resonating sound of mother and child tetawak, high-pitched tone sounds. This musical instrument can produce sounds such as 'chak, hey, Peng'.

Shaped like a four-stringed lute length. The body is long and almost square shaped and made ​​of wood jokuvang. Sapeh surface is usually found carved patterned and colored Sarawak Iban either red or black.

Small gong-shaped pan made ​​of perenggu. Berbusut in the middle surface. Eight gongs arranged for a set lined up on the term. All the instruments are played by men.
However there are a few musical instruments are played and practiced by women, particularly elderly Iban community. Apart from playing for their festivals, the "Gawai" it also displayed to the public, especially the tourists who want to discover the musical culture of the Iban community especially in this country.

Geduk is an instrument in the drum family with two muka.Pada border, usually made ​​from wood nangka.Ia usually dimaihkan in or menora shadow games and played in pairs geduk shy mother and geduk anak.Sepasang wood used to play it.

Gedombak are two faces of drum 'compound hole' but only on one side of the large surface of the skin was stretched and on the other is left open. It is shaped like a cup of 'Goblet-shaped'. Baluhnya made ​​of hard wood types, usually of wood or angsana jackfruit. On its surface, or dirambing with hides stretched from goat skin as a sound by using a fine mesh rattan.

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