Tuesday 6 August 2013


Ngajat dance very popular among the Orang Ulu in Sarawak. Ngajat for Iban people is a trained dance Iban people fight. Dancers will wear a red cloth tied at the waist to the knees. Dancers also wear hats decorated with feathers. His body clothed in a shirt made from bird feathers sewn but not left and right.

Dance of Sarawak can be danced alone or in groups. It is a joint dance Dayak Kenyah tribe living in Bulungan, Kutai, Berau and Pasir of the boundary areas between Sarawak and East Kalimantan. The main instruments that accompany this dance is Sape. In this dance feathers glued in between the fingers of both hands as jewelry dancer. Motion move pebbles left and right in wreath while singing and clapping.

Amorous dragon dance is dance and cultural performances in Cina.Sepertilah traditional lion dance, dragon dance is often performed during Chinese perayaan.Orang always mention "Sons of the Dragon" as a sign of ethnic identity.
In the minds of the Chinese, the dragon is a kind of life that menguntungkan.Naga represents an unparalleled strength to get rid of bad luck and prevent crime. Therefore, since the days when their ancestors celebrated the Chinese New Year, or lead a procession to celebrate a god, even when there is a natural disaster or personal calamity occurs, they will hold a dragon dance to pray for blessings from heaven.

Rejang Dance is an ancient dance performs only in a temple anniversary in inner courtyard of the temple to delight and entertain the visiting god and spirit. Rejang consist of a slow procession, but participants conduct themselves with extreme grace and delicacy. It is a dignified and elegant affair. Compare to other Balinese dancesrejang is the most dream-like dance, surpassing all one can imagine of smooth, unending motion. It is accompanied by mysterious old melody subtle, smooth as the dance and with the similar feeling of infinity.

1 comment:

  1. good job there, thank you for this blog, lets work together to promote sarawak to become a popular destination for tourism. im from kuching sarawak, and i love this city.. keep up the good work..
