Thursday 8 August 2013


When people say it's all about the journey and not the destination, they haven't been to Damai Puri Resort & Spa. The moment you arrive at our resort, you'll forget the trip you took to get here. Exhaustion gives way to blissful, holistic treatments at our Spa Village, then frees the mind to enjoy escapades by the pool or at the beachfront. Lack of sleep turns to peaceful slumber inside our luxurious bedrooms, and empty stomachs get filled with sumptuous food from the restaurant. Whatever the reason for your vacation, our resort envelops you in exceptional services and pleasures on the pristine shores of Damai Beach in Sarawak, eastern Malaysia.

Fairy Cave Formation

The limestone hills surrounding Kuching offer a fine selection of caves, and among them is the "Fairy" Cave, located about 8km South of the town of Bau, in the Kuching division, and about 40km from the city of Kuching itself. Bau is a gold mining town and lies about a one hour drive from Kuching. Fairy Cave has interesting rock formations, some resembling figures and animals. The cave has long been frequented by the Chinese living in the area, who come to pray at the cave formations, and who believe these formations are representations of "spirit beings", and thus gave the cave its name. Many shrines and altars are to be found in the cave.
Just a few minutes drive away is "Cave Of The Wind", a very popular local tourist destination. The cave derived its name from the drafut of air, which passes through the passage leading to the Sungai Sarawak Kanan, on which it is situated. The most popular attraction is the Western entrance of the cave, which has a small beach adjacent to the Sarawak River. Explore the cave with your guide on the boardwalk and experience the thrill of walking in the dark. After visiting the cave you can take a cooling swim in the river and relax.

The oldest national park in Sarawak was founded in 1957, covers an area of ​​27 square miles located about 37km from Kuching.
Bako national park famous as the most easily accessible in Sarawak to observe the Dutch Monkey or 'Proboscis Monkey'.
This national park is famous for its extraordinary natural scenery, habitats, plants and wildlife.
The main attraction here is teluknya sheltered and rocky headlands with magnificent steep cliffs facing the South China Sea.
Sea waves, salt water and wind have carved arches and columns at the base of the cliffs, some spiked sea surface like a dragon head. Formation sandstone on the banks appear pink with iron.
Further inland, waterfalls flow into the freshwater pools in a tranquil jungle environment.


Batang Ai means "main river". The river has been dammed to form the site of one of the largest hydroelectric schemes in the region. A huge manmade reservoir provides a magnificent backdrop to some breathtaking scenery. Beyond the lake, visitors can see wonderful dipterocarp forests with drooping trees overhanging the river. In this area the primary means of transport is by boat on the rivers. Batang Ai National Park is boat trip away, and has a huge variety of wildlife and flora to amaze the visitor. The trip to the park takes you up river past tiny villages and fish farms. A short hike through areas of the park will provide an insight into the flora and fauna of the region. The park is home to wild Orang-utans and many other protected wildlife such as the hornbills and gibbons.


The building was built in 1891. It was turned into a museum to store important monuments of the history of the existence of the State. It also showcases the history of indigenous pendduduk Sarawak.It open daily from 9.00am-4.30pm. Located in the heart of Kuching.

It is a living museum, built-like village. There are various types of houses, covering the entire ethnic groups in Sarawak. Also provides dance performances and so on. It is located near the mountain Santubong. 30 minutes from the city of Kuching

It is a gold mining area in the past. It is said in the lake of gold mining ended in 1921. There are many myths related to this lake. It is located in the town of Bau, about 40 minutes from the city of Kuching.

It is a feature of homestay Bidayuh Longhouse. It is close to Jong's Crocodile Farm. Tourists can experience the life of the Bidayuh community.

Tuesday 6 August 2013


               One of the very popular food in the state. The soft fern shoots, leaves or without leaves open used as a vegetable or salad. Midin delicious cooked with shrimp paste. Tasty Perghh ... not unspeakable. Really, you do not believe try the taste. If the visit to the state, do not forget this food tasting. Tasty know, do not feel lost.

Chicken (the most delicious chicken) cooked in bamboo is very popular among the Iban and Bidayuh. Bamboo is used to cook the chicken to give a distinctive taste to the food. In addition to ingredients such as garlic, onion, chili, sweet potato leaves and other byproducts delicious add pansuh Manok.
Manok Pansoh very suitable for consumption at breakfast, lunch, dinner or at any time. It will be more delicious if eaten with glutinous rice or bamboo cylinder. It is a food that should be felt if a visit to Sarawak.

THERE is something about Sarawak dishes that is so unique and interesting. To some, Sarawak cuisine is an acquired taste but those familiar with the dishes will make it a point to look for it.And the best time is during the Sarawak Food Promotions at the Crowne Plaza Mutiara Kuala Lumpur this month.The person who will be whipping out the best of Sarawak cuisine is Chef Norhayati Parjan.This bubbly chef is an expert in preparing the dishes after learning the traits from a Sarawakian chef.For her, a certain skill is needed to prepare authentic Sarawak dishes. Even though, she is Javanese, her experience and knowledge on the cuisine is almost like a Sarawakian. In fact, she has picked the dialect and speaks like a native.

Typically the most popular fish used for fish memais is buris (only available on the Rejang River). Often the lack of fresh delicious fish made ​​pais especially if different types of small fish. Small fish such as fish delicious made ​​pais jamah, small mackerel feathers or fish. Some wraps burn with turmeric leaf, banana leaves or palm leaves.


Made of bronze round. Thick walls, berbusut the middle of the surface. It also pairs (mother and child). For tetawak low and resonating sound of mother and child tetawak, high-pitched tone sounds. This musical instrument can produce sounds such as 'chak, hey, Peng'.

Shaped like a four-stringed lute length. The body is long and almost square shaped and made ​​of wood jokuvang. Sapeh surface is usually found carved patterned and colored Sarawak Iban either red or black.

Small gong-shaped pan made ​​of perenggu. Berbusut in the middle surface. Eight gongs arranged for a set lined up on the term. All the instruments are played by men.
However there are a few musical instruments are played and practiced by women, particularly elderly Iban community. Apart from playing for their festivals, the "Gawai" it also displayed to the public, especially the tourists who want to discover the musical culture of the Iban community especially in this country.

Geduk is an instrument in the drum family with two muka.Pada border, usually made ​​from wood nangka.Ia usually dimaihkan in or menora shadow games and played in pairs geduk shy mother and geduk anak.Sepasang wood used to play it.

Gedombak are two faces of drum 'compound hole' but only on one side of the large surface of the skin was stretched and on the other is left open. It is shaped like a cup of 'Goblet-shaped'. Baluhnya made ​​of hard wood types, usually of wood or angsana jackfruit. On its surface, or dirambing with hides stretched from goat skin as a sound by using a fine mesh rattan.


Lubok Antu District Administrative Centre already enjoys good road links to other cities in the state. In addition the city is set to become a border city like that will handle activities Tebedu border between Sarawak and Kalimantan, Indonesia.Lubok Antu is located just 16 miles from a settlement known as Badau in Kalimantan. This will increase economic activity in the area. Near the city there is a dam Lubok Antu's first hidroelekterik Sarawak Batang Ai hydropower has been in operation since ten years ago.Batang Ai Hydroelectric dams can generate power by 92 megewatt to meet domestic electricity requirements and communicated throughout the State. Implementation of various development projects in the area had "beat" the poverty and backwardness of the mencengkami and haunt the people.Stumbin area / Bigat / Lingga / Banting in Sri Aman District covering an area of 7,000 ha area is being studied for rice cultivation Mechanisation method.In addition to planning and development in the agriculture, aquaculture enterprises are also encouraged. Batang Ai caged fish breeding enterprise was in operation in 2001 has produced 443.170 kg of fish.Tiger shrimp pond enterprises has also worked at the sub-district Linga by the private sector in addition to efforts to breed fish Longtail also available in Linga.

This dam was built in 1996, the Bakun dam project on the river Balui Electric,Sarawak.
The dam is built using Rockfield Face Concrete Dam (CFRD), which has a height of 205 meters, is the second largest in Asia after China Shibiyanu dam (223 meters).Dam construction is said to be strong. It will collect water from the catchment area of 14,750 square miles or an area covering Kelantan who took 11 percent of Sarawak.
Like other large dams in the world, do not miss the Bakun Dam from attack, both in terms of the rationale for developing hydropower dam or the aspect itself.
Bakun Dam construction also associated with damage to the environment, especially forests, rivers, soils and wildlife.


Dul-Fitr is also called Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Hari Raya is a major celebration of the religion of Islam in Malaysia. Hari Raya Aidilfitri is celebrated after a month of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. Eid is celebrated on the 1st of Shawwal every year according to the Islamic calendar. On Eid, Muslims are encouraged forgiveness from each other, particularly for the children of both parents.

Chinese New Year is a celebration of the Chinese New Year celebrations to mark the presence of the Chinese calendar. According to the Chinese calendar, tahun2 divided by 12 animals symbolizing the name of the specific purposes of a year. In celebration of Annual Chinese New held various ceremonies and dragon dance popular among the Chinese community of practice is 'ang pow' or pocket money placed in red envelopes.

Deepavali is also known as Hari Diwali or the festival of lights celebrated by Hindus. Diwali is celebrated on the 14th day of the Tamil calendar Aipasi. On this day, the lamp is installed in the line can be seen lit in Hindus homes to symbolize the triumph of good over evil is celebrated as Deepavali.

Christmas is also known as Christmas is celebrated by Christians on the 25th of December every year all over the world. On this day, Christians took the opportunity to visit the church. This celebration is accompanied by festivities such as lights, Christmas trees, and also the practice of giving gifts to family and friends. Christmas Day is also popular with the mythical 'Santa Claus' for children.


Ngajat dance very popular among the Orang Ulu in Sarawak. Ngajat for Iban people is a trained dance Iban people fight. Dancers will wear a red cloth tied at the waist to the knees. Dancers also wear hats decorated with feathers. His body clothed in a shirt made from bird feathers sewn but not left and right.

Dance of Sarawak can be danced alone or in groups. It is a joint dance Dayak Kenyah tribe living in Bulungan, Kutai, Berau and Pasir of the boundary areas between Sarawak and East Kalimantan. The main instruments that accompany this dance is Sape. In this dance feathers glued in between the fingers of both hands as jewelry dancer. Motion move pebbles left and right in wreath while singing and clapping.

Amorous dragon dance is dance and cultural performances in Cina.Sepertilah traditional lion dance, dragon dance is often performed during Chinese perayaan.Orang always mention "Sons of the Dragon" as a sign of ethnic identity.
In the minds of the Chinese, the dragon is a kind of life that menguntungkan.Naga represents an unparalleled strength to get rid of bad luck and prevent crime. Therefore, since the days when their ancestors celebrated the Chinese New Year, or lead a procession to celebrate a god, even when there is a natural disaster or personal calamity occurs, they will hold a dragon dance to pray for blessings from heaven.

Rejang Dance is an ancient dance performs only in a temple anniversary in inner courtyard of the temple to delight and entertain the visiting god and spirit. Rejang consist of a slow procession, but participants conduct themselves with extreme grace and delicacy. It is a dignified and elegant affair. Compare to other Balinese dancesrejang is the most dream-like dance, surpassing all one can imagine of smooth, unending motion. It is accompanied by mysterious old melody subtle, smooth as the dance and with the similar feeling of infinity.